S5E8.5: Tiger Mask I vs Dynamite Kid Series Review



In a prelude to episode 9 of TIA coming next week, your boys are once again stealing Buzzfeed's gimmick and putting together a listicle.

Frank, Joaquin and Chuck have each watched the seven times the original Tiger Mask locked up with the Dynamite Kid — from Satoru Sayama's debut as the legendary masked fighter, all the way to the match that earned the first ever five star rating from Dave Meltzer.

Each contest will be discussed in chronological order and ranked. In the end, we will have charted the course of this legendary series and will have the definitive TIA Tiger Mask vs Dynamite Kid ranking.

The seven matches are:

Match 1 - April 23, 1981 - NJPW

Match 2 - January 1, 1982 - NJPW

Match 3 - January 1, 9182 - NJPW

Match 4 - July 23, 1982 - NJPW

Match 5 - August 5, 1982 - NJPW

Match 6 - August 30, 1982 - WWF

Match 7 - April 21, 1983 - NJPW

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